100% grass fed beef is, without a doubt, the healthiest way to go when it comes to beef. But it's not what most people generally buy when they go to the store. it lacks the usual marbling that many are used to. The taste, when cooked properly, beats all of the other forms of beef, and that's what Chef Sarah Russo is trying to tell people. Fernando Aires talks with Chef Sarah about how she got into cooking, how to properly cook PRE meat, and the constant desire to challenge consumers to make sound choices when sourcing their meats.
Key Takeaways:
[4:29] Where do they source their meat?
[6:38] The varying levels of meat that are available
[8:55] The label you need to be looking for to know you're getting the best meat for your body
[12:05] When and which fats to be eating when it comes to your meats
[16:13] Why Sarah became a chef
[20:09] What PRE's certifications mean